WINGSHOOTING - The Art & Science DVD/Stream
Learn the advanced fundamentals and secrets to consistent, successful wingshooting and clay target shooting from this revolutionary instructional video by famed U.S. shooting instructor, Bryan Bilinski, of FIELDSPORT, Traverse City, MI.
Your course journey includes: The theory of wingshooting and how to employ a plan of action for effectively hitting every clay target or game bird in flight. You’ll become aware of key elements and fundamentals including: • Proper Stance • Forward Posture • Ready Position • Swing and Proper Gun Mount • Hard Target Focus • Staying “In Your Gun” Also featured: How to shoot Crossing, Quartering and Incoming Targets Integrating these principles into your personal wingshooting technique will improve your success and enjoyment of the sport for years to come.
One hour, available in DVD, Streaming, and USB Drive formats.